Invisalign® for Your Smile

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Are you looking for a solution to straightening your smile without the use of metal braces being attached? A solution to this is the use of clear aligners such as Invisalign®! They are virtually invisible, fitting comfortably around your smile. Dr. Garland and our professionals here in Sacramento, California, want to help you get a smile that you’ll love!

This process starts with consulting with your dentist about whether Invisalign is the right treatment for you. We will then do an orthodontic workup consisting of panoramic X-rays, cephalometric X-rays, study models, and photos of your face and teeth. Your exact measurements will then be sent in to be made.

Invisalign requires a new aligner every week to two weeks to keep changing your teeth’s alignment. These small changes will eventually move your teeth into the proper position. For the best results, you need to wear your aligners for 20-22 hours a day, only taking them out to brush, floss, and eat foods.

Many benefits that come with straighter teeth including healthier teeth and gums, convenient cleaning, and prevention against tooth decay and gum disease. Get in contact with our dental professionals today at RiverLake Family Dental by calling us at 916-422-1823 today. Our team will be happy to set up a consultation or make an appointment for you with our office in Sacramento, California.